Gus Muffins, the perfect after-school snack

gus muffin blog graphic


It’s Friday, y’all! Aren’t you excited? 

It’s ok if you’re honest here and say, “no. not really.” I won’t judge. In fact, I will see your “no, not really” and raise you a “hell no, not at all” just for good measure. 

Because listen, if you’re reading this, you’re probably either at the point in life where you’re a parent or at the very least adulting hard enough to be living real adult lives. And if we’re living these real adult lives, as a parent or not, we should all just admit that we limp to the finish line every week. Friday Happy Hours with beautiful people drinking beautiful drinks and taking beautiful pictures are not on my agenda any longer. Because frankly those things involve other people, real clothes (not PJ’s) and staying out past 7:30pm.  And I’m too tired for that nonsense. And our weekends, not the glorious yoga filled brunch-tastic adventures of days past, neither. We shuttle from game to game to game to birthday party to family dinner at Chick Fil A on Saturday(not mad at ya, Chick Fil A. You still rock), just to hit repeat on Sunday, only throwing church and the ever-present “no you can’t wear that to Sunday School” argument into the mix. 

I know I’m not alone in this. Don’t leave me hanging.

I’m just going to admit it. My life right now is not my own. Our weekends, we don’t captain them anymore. We have these 3 perfect little demons angels that we are nurturing, loving and, at the moment, bringing up. It’s about them. So it belongs to baseball and gymnastic coaches, tutors, speech therapists, regular therapists (this one’s for me), and school. That’s just what it is. Fighting against that to make it some beautiful fabulous life that would make Pinterest swoon is exhausting. 

This is my season and I’m going to stop struggling against it. 

I’m going to own the fact that I barely have time some days to brush my teeth, and that’s just that.

I’m going to own the fact that I run into my house after Monday morning drop-off, clicking my heels in glee that I have 8 solid hours without my children.

I’m going to own the fact that I am the worst sports parent on the planet and that I pray for rain and rain cancellations every single Saturday.

I’m going to own the fact that most of my Saturday nights consist of Dateline, a glass of wine, and the silence of contentment in knowing that our kids are finally asleep (well, at least 2 out of 3 are down. As long as the other is upstairs minding his own business, I count it as a win).

And I’m going to own the fact that I’m not 25 anymore and life is different. I’m not quite as cool as I think I am, and that’s ok.

Because life in my mid-30s is just alright with me. I’m not as cool, but I’m a whole lot nicer, happier and more content than I ever was when I was. I’m not glamorous. I don’t have swag. And that’s just fine. 

What I do have is kids who like me sometimes, a husband who laughs at my jokes even when they aren’t funny (which is never, because if you can’t tell by now, I’m hilarious), and friends who are awesome and make me laugh when I feel like crying, because we’re all in this boat together. Every single one of us.

So, friends….own your weekends. No matter how awesomely quiet and lame you think it is, rest comfortably in the fact that mine is just the same. And, seriously, rest comfortably in the fact that pajamas and sweat pants trump fancy happy hour clothes any day. Because, you know, elastic waists are awesome.


And start your weekend off right with this after-school treat for your little monsters. This is another recipe from my college roommate Nicole, of Chocolate Chip Cookies fame. Who, now that I think of, should probably have her own food blog, because she’s awesome. But anyway….they are super easy. They are super yummy. And your kids will rise up and call you blessed for making them such an awesome snack.* Enjoy! 

*Not actually likely to happen* 

Gus Muffins (aka Marshmallow Crescent Surprise)

February 5, 2019


  • 1 package Crescent Rolls (original)
  • 8 jumbo marshmallows
  • 1 tablespoon butter, melted
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Step 1 Preheat the oven to 275
  • Step 2 Melt the butter in a shallow bowl.
  • Step 3 Combine cinnamon and sugar in separate shallow bowl and set aside.
  • Step 4 Unroll the crescents and separate.
  • Step 5 Place a marshmallow in the center of each roll and wrap up, completely covering the marshmallow. It will look like a little dough ball.
  • Step 6 Roll each ball in butter and then in the cinnamon sugar mixture. Place in muffin tins sprayed with cooking spray to prevent sticking.
  • Step 7 Bake for 12 minutes.
  • Step 8 Let cool slightly, but just a bit because they’re best warm out of the oven.
  • Step 9 ENJOY!

Every kid needs a sweet treat after school and every mom wants to give their babies something good. So why not make up a simple batch of these marshmallow crescent surprises and sit down with your kiddo after school. Memories are made at the table and there is no better place to share than in the kitchen. #afterschooltreat #snacks #crescentrolls #pilsbury #sweets #sweettreat #crescentrollrecipe
What could be better than this sweet afternoon snack that your kids will love? Marshmallows are wrapped in crescent rolls dipped in cinnamon and sugar and baked to perfection. What your kids will find is a surprise! The marshmallow melts away leaving a sugary, gooey treat that they are sure to ask for again and again!


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