Category: just words

Losing and Finding God in 2020

Losing and Finding God in 2020

It’s no secret to anyone who’s been following me for longer than a hot minute that I am a Christian, however divisive that word may be. It also should be no secret to this same group of people who come around these parts to hear…

The Fear of the ASK: A Study for Creatives

The Fear of the ASK: A Study for Creatives

  The Fear of the Ask, a Case Study for Creatives I have a confession to make to you all. I have been lying to you. Yes, you. Every single day since I’ve started this blog. I’ve been lying. Not only to you but to…

Parents: You’re Doing It Right

Parents: You’re Doing It Right

If you’re following along on BurntToast’s social media (which why the heck aren’t you?) you probably know that my son had a major accident a few weeks ago. I got a terrifying call from the school after a crazy freak accident and while I will…

You CAN Go Home Again (A Talk on Shame)

You CAN Go Home Again (A Talk on Shame)

I dated this turd of a guy in college who told me that you could tell how classy you are by how you hang the toilet paper roll in your bathroom. Now, since then this has become a wildly debated topic on the interweb. Up…

Low Cost Lessons: A Parenting Talk

Low Cost Lessons: A Parenting Talk

This weekend we watched my daughter do what she loves to do. She spends eight hours a week at the gym, working hard on pointing her toes, staying steady on the balance beam and rotating her body around an impossibly tiny bar, so she can…

The World Needs You To Be You

The World Needs You To Be You

I’ll be the first to admit that I have a terrible memory. And even though I am prone to exaggeration, in this case I am actually minimizing the depth of the terribleness. I’m not even sure there is a word to accurately describe just how…

Grace Against the Machine: When Grace is Hard

Grace Against the Machine: When Grace is Hard

If you’ve been following me for any length of time now, you probably know that I’m a Maryland girl through and through. What you might not know, though, is that my roots are actually a bit North of the Old Line State and are planted…

BurntToast Turns TWO YEARS OLD

BurntToast Turns TWO YEARS OLD

 BurntToast Turns Two Years Old. TWO YEARS. 730 days. 17,520 hours. 148 posts. 122 original recipes. Too many words to count. If I’m being completely honest, this day almost slipped past me. Between the chaos of getting the kids back to school, reclaim my sanity…

Lost & Found

Lost & Found

I have been to Disney World exactly two times. And while I know this might alienate many of my loyals, it’s because I am just not a Disney person. To be more specific, actually, I am not a theme/amusement/fun park person in general. There are…

Being Human: It Takes A Village

Being Human: It Takes A Village

Oh, T-swift. You’ve got the lips. You’ve got the legs. You’ve got those ridiculously catchy songs that I hate to love. You are a woman of many talents and many things (and cats). And you’re also the queen of the #squadgoal, aren’t you? Your tribe…