What I’m Digging Wednesday 3.10.21

Oh HAYYYY, people. Happy What I’m Digging Wednesday, 3.10.21 version.

We’re knee-deep in spring break right now, which normally would involve some sort of vacation somewhere except that the COVIDs is still kind of raging and Jeff’s new job has kept us hanging tight in Texas. And not that anyone is counting, but this means it has been approximately 47,000 days* since we’ve left this state. Not that I’m bitter about this or anything.

But, the good news is that I truly believe we’re turning the corner on this, my parents are on their way to being fully vaccinated within a few days and we will hopefully be hugging them tightly and visiting Maryland this summer for a long-awaited tour de force of my favorite place. I’m counting days and already planning my itinerary and honestly, it’s the only thing getting me through this last long stretch of COVID life.

Well, that and What I’m Digging Wednesday. That’s doing its part to get me through, too.

In this week’s episode, we have a classic book that y’all need in your life, two life-changing but rather unassuming household items, and one completely amazing skin device.

So here we go…


  1. Blue Blocking Glasses: Like most of the modern world, I spend way too much time staring at screens. Whether it’s my phone or my computer, I’m consistently working or writing, or scrolling for hours each day. And it’s been starting to wear on my eyes, causing eye strain and headaches by the end of the night. So much so that I assumed I needed readers because the words on the page of my morning devotional were looking blurry. Well, turns out that I don’t need readers yet but instead I need to protect my eyes from all of this screen time. Enter in Blue Blocking glasses. This three-pack is super economical and cute and since I have been using them this past month I have noticed less eye strain and no headaches. Not necessarily life-changing, but definitely a modern-life necessity. Get them HERE.
  2. the Lumi Spa Facial Device: OK, so last week in my Skincare Must-Haves I hinted at this device, but I wanted to hold off on sharing it because it’s truly something I DIG, like, big time. This little LUMI facial cleaning device takes face washing next level and I cannot believe what a difference it makes in my skin. Unlike the Clarisonic brush of my twenties, this is a gentle silicone head that vibrates and rotates as you wash, cleaning away more dirt and grime from the day than anything you could imagine. Seriously, it’s kind of gross how much just soap, water, and these old fingers leave behind compared to the LUMI. Unlike the brush, which is a bacteria heaven, this silicone head is anti-microbial and gentle on even sensitive skin. Plus, it invigorates your skin and helps increase circulation, which is so important. It’s pricey, but after one year of use, I have noticed a difference in the clarity and the tone of my skin. As an added bonus, Kelly is offering a 10% discount to any BurntToast readers who purchase via this link. I HIGHLY recommend making this investment in your skin. It is game-changing and you will LOVE it. Purchase your own LUMI Spa at a special 10% discount HERE.
  3. Aquabliss High Output Revitalizing Shower Filter: The last time I got my hair done my girl Dani noticed that my hair had changed. Not the color or cut necessarily, but rather the texture. It had gone from healthy and shiny to dull, lifeless, and with a massive amount of build-up. I hadn’t changed anything product-wise so we couldn’t put our finger on why this was happening. That is until Dani happened to ask if we have eczema in our house (which we do) and if I had noticed any changes in my skin (which I had–massive itchiness). Then the lightbulb went off and she explained that we have hard water. Like, the hardest of hard water. And while we could adjust the products I was using a little, which we did, the best solution would be a relatively cheap shower filter. No lie, the moment we (read: Jeff) attached this filter to the shower I felt like a new woman. My hair returned to normal very quickly and Kenzie even noticed her eczema has improved. It’s a cheap fix for a common problem, especially here in Texas. This one fits any shower and is easy to install. I highly recommend it. Get it HERE.
  4. The Thirteenth Tale by Diana Setterfield: Remember when I said that I wanted to share things other than products here? Like music, books, shops, and people to follow? Well, I wasn’t kidding. This is hands down one of my absolute favorite books. It is kind of creepy (I mean, it’s about ghosts and all) and definitely a dark read but it is incredibly engrossing. Like, can’t put the book down for a second, engrossing. This is a perfect beach read for you lucky spring breakers and a great “forget you’re in Texas and not at the beach” read for those stuck at home. I read this a long time ago (I gave it a 5 on my Goodreads if that tells you anything) but am revisiting it this week and cannot wait to tear into it. I’m dropping the link to Amazon however, I am a firm believer in local libraries for sustainability and civic reasons so I urge you to check it out from your local branch or, at the very least, find a small local bookseller and grab it from there. These are the places that need us, so let’s support where we can.

I’m hoping you find something on this list that you DIG too, and as always, I’m always on the lookout for new restaurants to visit, shops to visit and products to try. My heart is for the small local people, so even though I dropped some Amazon links here (which I do receive a small commission from), if you can find any of these things from a mom-and-pop shop, please do.

Peace, love, and Wednesdays,


*not the actual amount of days we’ve been home

This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission from any purchases made. Rest assured that I only share what I love, though.