What I’m Digging Wednesday, 3.3.21

Hey Y’all, welcome to the first installment in a fun new game we’re going to play over here at BurntToast called What I’m Digging Wednesday (episode 1). This is where I’m going to be sharing some of the things I’m digging at the moment. Now, because you know me by now, you probably know that these might be a little random, maybe a little weird too, but ultimately, probably fun in some way too.

Unlike some of my other Must-Haves and Favorite Things articles, I don’t have a specific plan or category I want to stick with here nor do I have any desire to only highlight products for you to buy (though in full disclosure, there will be plenty of that). My hope is really to share all of the things of my life, the music I’m listening to, the books I’m reading, the shops I’m loving, the local spots I’m digging. It’s a true peek behind the curtain of my life. I want to highlight the small businesses I can’t get enough of, the friends I know who are killing it on their journeys and I think you need to follow. I want to show you all the things, just a few a week, that are cool and random and weird and follow-worthy.

Some will be products that I love, household things, and unique finds I can’t get enough of. Some will be the completely practical and boring household items that bring me joy or make my life easier. There’s a lot of these in this particular installment. Let’s face it, this is just really a fun way to share stuff I like, people I like, and products I like.

So come along. Join in the journey. If you’re a business owner doing something awesome and want to be featured in a What I’m Digging Wednesday installment, email me at burnttoastsm@gmail.com and we’ll chat. Know of someone you want to nominate for a What I’m Digging Wednesday feature? Message me. I’d love to highlight people doing amazing and fun things so I can shine some light on the good and nice things in this world.

And without further adieu, here is the first installment of “What I’m Digging Wednesday” on March 3rd.

what I'm digging wednesday

  1. Mid Century Modern Plant Stands: So you might not know this about me, but I can grow an indoor plant like a CHAMP. Outdoor, yeah, not so much. But indoor? That’s totally my jam. I have a little plant corner in our bedroom where I keep all of my favorites and I can’t tell you how ridiculously happy they make me. I talk to them (yes, I realize this makes me sound insane) and I love them all for both the health benefits (they can help you sleep better by providing better oxygen in the room) and the natural element they bring. These are two of my favorite plant stands. they are sleek and clean and look amazing either on the floor or elevated on a dresser or table. Right now I have a snake plant and a ficus in them and I’m happy to report both are alive and doing well. Because I’m a BOSS at this I tell you. A BOSS. Also, they’re great quality for the price too. Grab them HERE.

  2. Golden State by Eddie Vedder and Natalie Maines: Maybe it’s because this song brings together two major 90s icons in Vedder and Maines, but I have been playing it on repeat for days and days. Sure, my kids think it’s “old people” music and Jeff rolls his eyes as I play air guitar during the bridge but I give ZERO cares. This is good stuff, here, and I double-dog dare you not to imagine yourself driving down a country road with the windows open and your hair blowing in the breeze as you play it. You’re welcome for this one.

  3. Cotton Craft Dish Towels: This might shock you, but I go through dish towels like it is my job. If you’ve ever watched me cook, you know I always have one (and sometimes two) draped over my shoulder and I’m constantly pretending that I’m Gordon Ramsey and wiping the entire world down with them. All of this is to say, we are not show towel people. The rags in my kitchen get USED. So I love the functionality of these 100% pure cotton dish towels. They are cheap for a pack of twelve, they wipe up everything and they clean like a charm with a scoop-full of OxyClean. I highly recommend getting a pack or two of these and ditching paper towels for your messes. They’re safer for the environment and trust me, these sleek little babies (I happen to like their utilitarian design) are no nonsense function at its finest. Find them HERE.

  4. Outdoor Compost Bin: If you’ve been following me on IG, you know I’ve recently become obsessed with composting. It’s one easy way to reduce our personal footprint on the earth and it provides incredibly rich and nutrient-dense soil for our plants, all from our old carrot shreds and coffee grounds. Plus, it’s oddly rewarding to throw old food scraps in the bin and watch the decomposition happen. It’s like a science experiment in our own backyard. My aunt is a master composter and this is the starter bin she recommended when we began our journey. I also got a small countertop composter with a carbon filter which helps hold a few day’s worth of scraps on the counter without the stink (which is a bonus, trust me). It’s a family adventure, my little tree-hugging hippie kid Connor is 100% on board with this, and it’s a completely doable way to help save the earth. Eventually, I think I’ll get a bigger bin so I can have two going at one time, but for right now, this is an awesome starter bin. I highly recommend giving composting a try. If you want more info or have questions, drop me a line. I’d love to talk to you about it. You can find the bin HERE.

Alright, friends. Thanks for tuning in. I’m really excited about this journey. I can’t wait to share all of the weird and fun and useful and interesting things I discover as we travel together. Stay tuned, What I’m Digging Wednesday is gonna be lots of fun. I can feel it.

Peace, love, and Wednesdays,



Affiliate Disclosure: I will receive a small payment for each purchase made via a link provided in this post. But please know that I only share products I love and value because I care about you. <3