What I’m Digging Wednesday 6.1

what i'm digging wednesday 6.1

Well, hello friends and welcome to What I’m Digging Wednesday 6.1.

I’m excited for this one. After our EPIC Father’s Day What I’m Digging Wednesday last week, this regular old installment in the series might seem small in comparison. But let me tell you, what it lacks in size it makes up for in heart and good stuff.

Beause in this one I’ve got the super cheap earring set I’ve had on repeat this season, the show I binged over the holiday weekend (along with the rest of the world), the new blender fueling my smoothie obsession, and, of course, the summer capsule from my favorite Outfit Formulas Official.

So what are you waiting for? Scroll on down and enjoy this awesome list of What I’m Digging Wednesda7 6.1.


what i'm digging wednesday 6.1

  1. 9 Pack Boho Earrings From Amazon: We all know I’m a bit of a basic girl when it comes to my accessories. I wear the same necklace, bracelets, and earrings every single day. Well, I did, that is, until I found this 9 pack of boho style earrings from Amazon that I have been rotating and repeating for weeks now. Inspired by summer trends and my beloved Outfit Formulas Summer Capsule (more on that below), these earrings are so cute and cost-effective. Especially in Texas, where it’s way too use layers to provide outfit interest, earrings and accessories are the best way to take your outfit up a notch without adding heat-stroke inducing bulk. I love how there is something in this group for every outfit and for my personal tastes, I have used all but TWO of them interchangably. My favorites are the rattan ones, but the white enamel is also on-trend and perfect for one of the outfit formula looks. Of course, these are not the most top-quality pieces on the earth so if you have sensitive ears, they might not be for you. I highly recommend them if you don’t, though, because they are outfit makers for sure. Grab yours HERE.

  2. Stranger Things Season 4: Ok, so this is no secret because the whole entire world seems to have binging this with me, but I’m not trying to win any awards for originality over here. What I’m trying to do is share the things I love with you. And y’all, I LOVE this series. If you’ve been living under a rock somewhere and have no idea what I’m talking about, well, I can’t help you except to send you to THIS recap and tell you to pop some popcorn and get to binging seasons 1-3. Becuase you are going to want in on this. Connor and I finished the first installment of season 4 over the holiday weekend and I can’t EVEN with this show. It was definitely the scariest and most gory of all the seasons, but for some reason even I could stomach it. My theory is that the humor, banter, and general likability of the characters allow enough levity in between bone breaks that it’s palatable to even the biggest weeniest (ie: me). Given that our world is kind of a s$$$ show right now, it’s a wonderful escape to dive into a world that’s even more messed up than ours is (the Upside Down). For a campy semi-horror show there is surprisingly well-developed character arcs (Steve is a perfect example), and the relationships feel real and genuine. I can’t give any spoilers away, of course, and I’m sorta annoyed I have to wait until July 1 to see the second half of the season, but I will tell you to go block out a few hours and go watch it. You won’t regret it. Stranger Things is available on Netflix.

  3. The Outfit Formulas Official Summer Capsule: It’s no secret that I am a devotee of Outfit Formulas Offical Capsule Wardrobes for many reasons, the main one being how much confidence I’ve gained dressing every single day with the easiest to follow prompts and shopping lists and the most supportive group on the internet. But when I tell you that the Summer Capsule is, by far, my favorite capsule ever I am not kidding. As with all things, there are normally one or two outfits in a capsule I’m “meh” on. I’ll wear them, but I probably won’t love them. But with this summer capsule there really isn’t one I don’t like. Every single look is classy, fun, and filled with summer vibes. Some stretch me out of my comfort zone, but for the most part, they are all comprised of things I have on hand already just put together in a better way than I ever would have done on my own. I highly recommend this one for all ladies, so much so that I’m doing a GIVEAWAY over on my insta. If you want to join, hurry over and enter because I’ll be drawing the winner tomorrow. If you just want to go ahead and grab it on your own, check out the link here and get to styling. You will love it. I promise!

  4. The Ninja NutriPro Smoothie Blender: If you read my Father’s Day post, you know that Jeff is a man who likes his gadgets and things and sometimes, like with our new espresso machine, electronics just show up on our doorstep to his feigned surprise. This Ninja, like the coffee maker, is one of those “surprises.” To be fair to Jeff, our other Ninja blender was 10 years old and smoked every time we made a smoothie (which is a lot), so it was about time. Also to be fair to Jeff, this is one heck of a smoothie blender and worth every penny. The pluses: it’s got a much bigger smoothie cup so there is space to keep the ingredients from getting stuck and clogging up the grinding mechanism. It’s automated, so it has different set times and cycles depending on what you’re making. Oh, and also, the little smoothie booklet it comes with has some wickedly good recipes including The Orange Crush (watermelon, strawberry, and orange), the Frozen Hot Chocolate (just what it sounds like), the Pina Colada, and the Hummus (yes, we made hummus in it). For people who only use their blenders for smoothies, this is a much more budgget-friendly option than a full Ninja system and if we get half the use out of it that we did our old Ninja, it will be well worth the money. Grab your own Ninja System HERE and stay tuned–I’m sensing some new smoothie recipes on their way ASAP for you to try!

I hope you find something to LOVE in this one and don’t forget to head on over to my Insta to enter in the GIVEAWAY to win one free membership to the Spring Capsule Formula. If you have any questions about how it works, feel free to drop me a DM. I’ll be glad to walk you through it!

Peace, love, and Wednesdays,