What I’m Digging Wednesday 7.14

what i'm digging wednesdady 7.14

WOW! What a week! Y’all, there has been so much happening this week I almost (read: almost) didn’t get this week’s What I’m Digging Wednesday 7.14 out in time. Luckily, I have a backlog of things I love and want to share so it wasn’t too complicated to get this one put together.

This week we’ve got some leftovers from our Florida vacation (the game and the bracelets), a shameless plug (my new biz), and a stress support supplement that has helped me actually get sleep during this completely insane season of my life.

I’m so excited to share this What I’m Digging Wednesday 7.14 with you and hope you can find something to love in this list as much as I do.

what I'm digging wednesday 7.14

  1. BurntToast Digital Media and Consulting: SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT! If you missed the memo or my big announcements on social media, you might not know that I recently launched my own Digital Media and Consulting Business. One day I will get into the details of how this came about (total God thing) and share more of the story behind it, but for now, I want to tell you this: My goal with this business is to work specifically with small businesses and restaurant owners. I want to meet your specific needs in a personalized way, focusing on what works for you and your unique business. I want to work with brands I am connected to and personally invested in, and I want to offer them a different kind of social media company and a uniquely personal level of service. I am so excited about this and can’t wait to share more. In the meantime, if you’re a small business and you’re interested in hearing more, drop me a line. Or follow along as I share more on my socials.

  2. ZOX Bracelets: Right before we left for Florida my Mother-in-law asked us each to pick out a Zox bracelet to wear during our trip. At first, I was skeptical. Like, what does another saying bracelet even do for me? But, y’all, I LOVE my bracelet. I chose it for the design, not the saying (I’m going to let you play the fun game of “Guess which wrist is Meaghan’s), but right before we left for Florida so many different things happened that made my saying poignant and relevant that it, of course, had to be a God thing. There are a million different options to chose from* with designs and sayings for everyone. They’re great for people who want to be reminded of something specific, make awesome gifts, and work really well for family vacations, like ours. Grab yours HERE.

  3. Rummikub: This is another Florida thing, a game my Mother-in-Law brought along that sparked controversy (we’re a competitive bunch), smack-talking (I’m looking at you, Jeff Dawson), and hours of entertainment. We would play every day during the daily Florida afternoon thunderstorm and sometimes the game would stretch well past the last thunderclap, without anyone ever really noticing. This is a fun mix of strategy and luck, perfect for players of all ages, and extremely fun. Even our most boardgame averse child got in on the action and felt the driving competitive edge kick on this one. I highly recommend it for both gaming families and non. It’s fun, addicting, and hours of entertainment. Grab yours HERE.

  4. New Mood Daily Stress, Mood, Sleep, and Seratonin Support: Let me preface this by saying that I am not a doctor (obviously), and I am in no way dishing out medical advice right here. I am simply going to tell you that this stuff has been my lifesaver these past few weeks. Once the seed for my digital media company was planted, my mind started to go into massive overdrive. And as someone who has always struggled with sleep, this was not a good thing. I would be up for hours each night with plans and thoughts and what-ifs and we-shoulds running through my brain. Which is fine and all, but without sleep, none of those shoulds were going to get even close to coming to life. So I grabbed some of this supplement (I found it in powder form at our local Sprouts and highly recommend it) and would take it right after dinner when it was time for me to turn my phone off, lock it away, and relax. It was the only thing that would help me settle and turn off my constant mental to-do list and never left me feeling groggy or hungover in the morning. The pill form from Amazon seems super easy, but I personally loved the powder packet from Sprouts. I would throw it in a wine glass filled with water and a splash of lime and bubbles (club soda) and feel mildly like I was having a cocktail. If you struggle with sleep or are feeling stressed, I highly recommend this one. Snag it HERE or at your local health food store.

Thank you so much for stopping by and trusting me to give you some new fun things to DIG each week. I am blown away by all of the support as I step out in faith on this new biz adventure and feel overwhelmed and blessed to have you all come along on this journey with me. Here’s to new dreams, good friends, and the mingling of both!

Peace, love, and Wednesdays,


PS: I dare you to try to find my bracelet here. The winner gets pride not prize!