What I’m Digging Wednesday 7.7

what I'm digging wednesday 7.7

Hey friends! Did you miss me? Well, never fear, after a wonderful beach vacation (more on that later), I’m back, rested, and ready to bring you the next segment of What I’m Digging Wednesday 7.7.

In this fun group I’ve got a must-do event for any Florida coast vacation, a wonderful little devotional for women who are trying to reclaim themselves in life and faith, my favorite sparkling water, and the new (to me) face wash I have no idea how I lived without all of these years.

I can’t wait to share these goodies with you, so without further adieu, here we go!

what i'm digging wednesday 7.7

  1. Living True by Christy Wright: I picked this little devotional up on a whim from the library and am so glad I stumbled upon it and am actually going to order myself my own copy ASAP too. This book is a light and easy devotional, one that you might call “Bible-light” if you were a Bible snob. It’s written specifically for women who are trying to get back to themselves, women who feel overwhelmed and like their life, while wonderful, seems to be lacking, well, something. It’s for women looking for a purpose and for what God says about that purpose. And y’all, I usually dislike books directed at “lost women” because I think it’s overdone, but I liked this one a lot. A quick, easy morning read to help guide you to the truth of what God says of himself, of you, and of where you’re going. I just finished the last one today and will miss this little book. Maybe not for the seasoned devotional reader who likes some heavy meat, but for the woman trying to relocate her place and her footing, this is a great read. Grab it HERE.

  2. Waterloo Sparkling Water: Ok. So I get that this is a weird one to include. It’s just sparkling water, after all. And hasn’t everyone heard of Waterloo? Well, to answer your question, NO, not everyone has heard of Waterloo. And, I give zero cares that it’s just sparkling water because I freaking love sparkling water and want to share it. So there’s that. Anyway, I have tried just about every brand of sparkling water there is. And even though my 14-year-old son says they taste like static tv, I don’t care. They are my afternoon treat and I adore them. But somehow Waterloo is just my favorite. It’s Texas-born and bred (yee-haw), has a better flavor profile than a lot of them, and is on the cheaper side so you don’t feel guilty every time you pour yourself a glass. My favorites are summer berry, black cherry, and strawberry, but truly I love them all. I highly recommend you give this brand a try if you’re stuck in the La Croix vortex and are unable to extricate yourself. I think it’s much better, personally, and love supporting one of the underdogs in this cutthroat sparkling water biz. Grab a case HERE.

  3. LightMeUp 30A Bonfires: 30A vacation goers, stop what you are doing and read this RIGHT NOW. You need to book yourself one of the bonfire packages from LightMeUp 30A. Trust me. Sure, you can do it yourself, research and apply for the permit, drag your firepit down to the beach, along with the smores and all the things. OR, you could simply show up to a beach pre-prepared with a gorgeous bonfire, chairs, tables, smores, tiki torches, and all the things. Yes, it’s going to cost you a little more. Yes, it is totally worth every.stinking.penny. Our bonfire was the highlight of our trip. It was memories upon memories upon memories. It was easy, effortless, and just one gorgeous night for the record books. If you’re heading out to Florida now or in the future, this is worth every cent. Trust me. Book today HERE.

  4. Korres Greek Yogurt Face Wash: It’s no secret that I’m partial to my La Roche-Posay face wash and have been for years. But when I was packing for Florida and realized that my giant bottle wasn’t quite going to fit in my suitcase, I snagged a travel-sized bottle of this as an impulse buy at Ulta. Y’all, I hate to say it, but I think it might eclipse my holy grail LRP. It has the same cleansing power, taking everything off without the need for a separate eye makeup remover and toner. BUT, this is much more emollient, it is less drying and leaves my skin noticeably softer. Plus, it works really well with my Lumi so I’m all about the double-cleaning of using both. It’s definitely going to be something I snag in full-size once I’m through with the overly generous travel-sized bottle, and feel like this is a much better option for any ladies who love a foaming cleanser but are on the dry side. I highly recommend it. Grab yours HERE.

I hope you find something on this list that you will dig just as much as I do. And as always, if you have something you think I need to find and share, drop me a line. I LOVE doing this little segment and sharing my favorite finds with you all and I love even more when those finds are small local businesses. Sharing your dreams is my dream, so don’t be shy. Recommend away!

Peace, love, and Wednesdays,
