The WHY Behind the BurntToast Newsletter

the why behind the burnttoast newsletter

You might have noticed a few new things on the blog this week. Most notably, this giant pop-up flying in your face 10 seconds after you check in to the home page asking you to sign up for my newsletter. And you might have, out of habit and annoyance, x-ed out of that pop-up as fast as you could, thinking to yourself “I don’t need any more nonsense in my inbox,” and you might have even wondered why you were getting accosted on this blog of all blogs because I’ve been forever vocal about not wanting to annoy you with these things. So I’m hoping with this short and sweet little blog, you might begin to understand the why behind the burnttoast newsletter.

And maybe even find it in your heart to subscribe. (if I pinky promise not to be annoying)

You all know the story of burnttoast, right? I started it about 4 years ago because I like cooking and telling stories and had zero plans for where it would go or take me and no real idea of what I was doing…blah, blah, blah…the rest, as they say, is history.

I never really expected it to grow like it has, albeit I’m still relatively small in the grand scheme of all things BLOG and influencers. I’ve still managed to get a pretty good following and, more importantly, I have formed incredible relationships and connections with people I never would have known otherwise. It’s been a journey I could not have imagined. And I’m forever grateful.

I had very few rules when I first started. Only two, really. And they were both personal boundaries, ones I formed based on things that annoyed me, not, unfortunately, based on what would work to grow the blog. Those rules were simple:

  1. No annoying inbox flooding nonsense with a salesy hook like “Sign up to receive this free e-book on how to weave a basket out of discarded dog hair (and secretly be put on my mailing list).” Sure, I don’t really know how to weave a basket, even out of rope, but you get the point. We’ve all been suckered into signing up for a newsletter we didn’t really want to be signed up for by some “I can’t believe this is free” offer or another. Or, along the same lines, to be entered into a giveaway of some sort. There is nothing wrong with either tactic, they just never felt like me. And I didn’t want to do anything like that. Which meant, well, no newsletter, at least for the time being.
  2. No annoying “I made this recipe with this brand of cheese because they paid me.” I just found that disingenuous and weird and didn’t want to do it. Never mind that that’s how bloggers make money. Never mind that I like cheese no matter who makes it. I just didn’t want to do it. At least not then.

My, how things have changed. Because I do both.

But let me talk about the why behind the burnttoast newsletter.

Four (and a half) years ago when I started BurntToast, the world was much different. And, more importantly, the social media world was different. In those good old days, it was possible to post on Facebook and have everyone who follows me see that post. It was possible to share on Instagram and have everyone who follows me see that post. And it was possible to create a pin, share it on Pinterest, and let it do its work, without extra effort and SEO-tricking tools to make it happen.

Those days are long gone.

Let me put it straight in numbers, ok.

I have 7,200 (and change) followers on Instagram. My posts last week, in total, reached 1,700 accounts.

This does not mean 1700 people liked my posts. It just means that 1700 accounts actually had the chance for my post to scroll through their feed. Individually, each post reaches around 450 people.

Y’all, that’s sad and pitiful.

Facebook is even worse. Of the 1600 or so followers I have, only about 30 people SEE my posts on average. THIRTY PEOPLE.

Y’all, even if you want to like my stuff, you don’t see it. And unless you’re actively searching for it or an active fan, meaning you like multiple posts of mine, FB will just assume you hate me and hide me on your feed. Unless I want to pay to play and run ads, which is a whole other ball of wax as a sole proprietor and small business.

Pinterest, where 99% of my traffic comes from anyway, is different. But still requires, on some level, money thrown into the pot to get my pins to reach the right people. Whereas I threw a pin up in year one of my blog (for this recipe) and had it go viral all on its own, with no help from SEO or anything from me. That does not happen anymore. Now you have to be completely up on exactly how Pinterest wants you to play. And I don’t have the time or the energy or the know-how to do that.

Your favorite small-time bloggers and creators are getting screwed. Simply put.

So that’s where the newsletter comes in. I did not come to the decision to start one easily. I was overwhelmed with the HOW first of all. I had been using multiple different email capture systems on my blog (without realizing it) and didn’t know how to go about starting. But also, I still have this aversion to looking needy or annoying. Call it my people-pleasing neediness or desire to be liked, I really care how you feel about me. So begging for sign-ups feels annoying and weird and against my very nature.

But, I also know that some of you really do. Like me, that is. A surprising number, actually. And since I think a lot of you want to see my recipes, words, and shares but might not have the chance, a newsletter is the easiest and the best way to get them in front of your face with minimal hoops to jump through. I mean, some of us just don’t want to weed through the 1 million political posts and Kim Kardashian stories on social media to find the good stuff we go there for. And I get it.

So here it is, my big pitch. I really need this blog to grow. I have big plans and big dreams and the older I get, the more I realize that it is up to me to make them happen. In order to make them happen, I’ve got to grow these numbers and get things moving which means I’ve got to bust out of my comfort zone and break both of my rules. I’ve just got to. And I hope you’ll come along on this ride with me.

So here are my promises about the newsletter.

  1. I won’t overspam you. You’ll get 1 a week. That’s it (unless there is something HUGE happening, then it might be 2 tops).
  2. I’ll only share good things. Recipes. Words of Wisdom. My favorite things that might not make a Wednesday post. Women you should be following. I have no desire for it to be wasted space in your inbox. I want it to bring value to your life. Not be a major drag on your day.
  3. And you can leave at any time. I promise I’ll still love you. I know how annoying full inboxes are and I’m the queen of never being at ZERO. So I get it. I just hope you’ll find me another way if you can’t take me in your Inbox. I get it.

So that’s it. That’s the why behind the burnttoast newsletter. It’s my hope that it is a good thing, something you look forward to every week. Thank you for supporting me throughout these past four years. I could not, literally, do this still without you. So please, if you feel inclined, sign up below. It would mean a ton to me.

Peace, love, and growth,
