What I’m Digging Wednesday 3.30

what i'm digging wednesday 3.29


It’s Wednesday, y’all. And you know what that means…it’s time for everybody’s favorite potpourri of randomness, What I’m Digging Wednesday 3.30.

In this eclectic mix we’ve got the sunscreen powder I use during the day over my makeup for extra spf, the travel make-up bag that’s a gamechanger in your suitcase, the electrolyte mix that saved my life during #stomachbug2022, and a show so irreverent I almost feel bad about sharing it.


As always, this is just a little snippet of where my head is on any given week, and this one is a good one. I hope you find something to dig, too.

what i'm digging wednesday 3.30

  1. Supergoop SPF Powder: It’s no secret that I’m a huge Supergoop fan. I used their Glow Screen and Matte Screen intermittently and even shared them in my last Best of Beauty round-up. But this little portable SPF-packed power powder is next-level adoration for me. Lately, my skin has been a bit shinier than I like. Not that I’m a glowing disco ball by noon, but I definitely have a glisten. In an attempt to cut down on this shine, I’m trying to really lower the product count I use on my face each morning. If you know me and my skincare obsession, you know that’s not easy. I serum, tone, moisturize, and SPF the heck out of this face every single day. BUT, I decided to give this powder a try as a way to cut down on shine AND put my sunscreen on over my makeup instead of as another shiny layer underneath. This stuff is greatness. It works on both counts–protection and shine control–and it’s portable in the cutest and easiest to use little vial that will easily fit into pool bags, purses, anything it needs to go in. Perfect for right now but even more so for the summer, this is one new product that is soon to make its way to my next  Greatest Hits list. Grab yours HERE.

  2. Kinderlyte Natural Electrolyte Powder: As you might recall, last week I almost met Jesus by route of the wicked stomach flu Connor brought home and decided to share. Y’all. I have never felt so bad in my entire life. I really and truly thought I was going to die. I’ll spare you the gory details, but let’s just say that by the end of a very short but extremely intense bout with the actual bug, I was beaten up and barely hanging on for a good 24-48 hours after. The only thing I could stomach was water, the random fountain coke I made Jeff pick me up on the way home from carpool, and this Kinderlyte Natural Electrolyte Drink. Like Gatorade or Pedialyte without any of the nasty artificial dyes or colors, this electrolyte drink restores what is lost through serious bouts of stomach flu, exercise, or (rumor has it) severe hangovers. And no lie, it was a lifesaver. With a sweet berry flavor, the first sip made me feel partly human and by the end of the first cup, I was doing much better. Connor had the same experience. It’s definitely something I recommend keeping on hand because the stomach flu is going around like gangbusters, summer is coming, and hangovers happen. Trust me. Not the most glamorous thing, but a great functional thing to have handy. Grab a big pack HERE.

  3. The Lay ‘n Go Travel Bag: This nifty little bag is something that if you don’t have, you’re gonna wanna click ORDER right now and get on it because it’s such a suitcase and travel lifesaver. No more rooting around in a giant bag to find that one eyeliner that is tucked all the way at the bottom. No more multiple bags for multiple different levels of products. This genius little item does exactly what it says it does….you lay it out, throw your stuff on it, and then cinch it up into a ball. When you’re ready to use it (post-travel), you simply uncinch it and it will lay all of your stuff out on a nice flat surface to make it easier to find. Y’all. I used this when we went to camp and even in the teeny tiny little camp bathroom where there was no surface area but the toilet lid or the floor, this thing changed the game. I fell in love and can’t wait to use it on my next trip. Which, for the love of God, had better be back home because that stupid stomach bug made me cancel trip #2 to see my parents. Yet I digress…if you don’t already have one of these, run, don’t walk. You’ll be so glad you did. Grab yours HERE.

  4. The Righteous Gemstones: *disclaimer* This show is seriously irreverent. It’s a little off-color. And there’s bad language and adult situations. Ok. Now that we’re through with that formality. Let’s talk about this show. The first thing I’ll say is that Jeff turned me on to it and if I don’t give him credit for this find he very well might lose his mind. The second thing I’ll say is that this is the funniest dang show I’ve seen in a long time. Filled with a big cast of comedic geniuses you will recognize by face, if not by name, it’s a parody of big mega-churches and the families behind them. Meaning, it’s making fun of the hypocrisy, greed, and shenanigans of big tv preachers and their multi-billion dollar enterprises that are less about Jesus and more about, well, anything but Jesus. And it’s freaking hilarious. Not for those easily offended or who struggle with finding humor in parody, but definitely for those with twisted senses of humor and a healthy appetite for watching things that should be skewered actually get skewered. A fun watch, definitely not when the kids are around, though. The Righteous Gemstones is available on HBO MAX.

Whew….once again, the theme of Wednesday is and always will be random. And I kind of like it that way. I’m glad you do too.

Peace, love, and Wednesdays,